1. Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever
Kurzweil's The Singularity is Near really blew my mind, so I decided to see what else he had to offer. He has some unconventional ideas about diet, but he backed most of it up with scientific studies. His comments about stevia as a natural sweetner intrigued me, but I found out that it isn't without controversy. Regardless, despite his claims that he has the body of a 35-year old, externally he appears his age. I suspect the internal story is pretty similar.
2. Life After Death: The Burden of Proof
This was an OK book for learning just a bit about Eastern religions, but Chopra certainly doesn't meet any burden of proof. Any supernatural claim is readily accepted and hardly challenged: remote viewing, psychic abilities, ghosts, faith-healing. He was pretty careless with some scientific facts that he quoted in the book, so I just don't trust him when he starts talking about the scientific studies that demonstrated that psychic powers are real. A million dollars says they aren't.
3. Winning
I have always been sort of fascinated with Jack Welch. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest CEOs of all time. After reading this book, it is clear that some of the things that differentiated him - his stunning candor, for instance - are just difficult for many people. Or, a person might find themselves in a job where candor is not appreciated. Reading this book I couldn't help but wonder how many other Jack Welch's there might have been out there, who just didn't rise to the top because the specific characteristics they had were not appreciated by their management.
4. 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
This book came highly recommended, and I was not disappointed. What a paradigm-shifter. Mann details the intricate and complex societies that existed in America prior to Colombus' arrival in 1492. There were long-lasting wars with complex dynamics, and cities to rival those of Europe at that time. Mann was also good about contrasting different viewpoints on many topics, such that the reader can weigh the evidence and make up their own mind about which explanation is more likely. This book is a great companion to Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel
5. Cryptonomicon
Having previously read Neal Stephenson's books Snow Crash
6. To Say Nothing of the Dog
I had previously read another Connie Willis book, Doomsday Book
7. More Than Human: Embracing the Promise of Biological Enhancement
I thought this book would be more informative on cutting-edge genetic enhancement research than it was. If information on biological enhancement is what you are interested in, better bets are The Singularity is Near, Gregory Stock's Redesigning Humans: Our Inevitable Genetic Future
8. Spin
This was a very nice piece of science fiction. It took two premises that I have spent considerable time thinking about and explored them. The first premise involves fast-forwarding the terraforming of Mars. (This concept is also explored in great depth in Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy
9. The Viking
Most of the books I read are through recommendations, so I don't end up reading too many that I consider a waste of time. This book, however, is one that I picked out because 1). I am very interested in the Vikings, and 2). I had a gift certificate and it just did fit under the limit. While maybe not a waste of time, there are better books on Vikings. The author tended to wander off topic at times, and he quoted liberally from other works, such as Magnus Magnusson's The Vikings
10. Don't Tell Mom I Work on the Rigs: She Thinks I'm a Piano Player in a Whorehouse
Funny at times, and very sobering at times, this book gives a depiction of what it is like to work on the oil rigs. I can say, after reading this book, that I will never work in Nigeria (although I had pretty much already decided that).
11. A Beautiful Mind : A Biography of John Forbes Nash, Jr.
This is a great book on so many levels. A history of some of the great mathematicians and unsolved problems in mathematics, a story of genius, mental illness, and triumph. Nash's wife Alicia has a tenacity that just boggles the mind. I often felt sorry for the trials she went through with the schizophrenia of her husband, and later son. She is a strong, strong woman. I also found myself thinking of Nash as someone who was an incredible jerk with one of the biggest egos I have ever seen, to wondering whether the mental illness was connected to these personality quirks. Everyone should read this book.
12. The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
This was a great book, and a real paradigm-shifter. Taleb is a very good writer, and caused me to think about things I hadn't thought about before. When a book does that, I really appreciate it. But my gosh he is full of himself. That was the only thing that put me off a bit. I work with someone like that, and I can't stand to be in the same room with him. Frequently denigrating other people to lift himself above them. Not necessary. Taleb has no need to do that, and it was very distracting.
13. Speaker for the Dead
Card is just a superb writer. I bought this book 5 years ago, but just got around to reading it. I won't wait so long to read Xenocide, which I purchased at the same time. The creative biological ecosystem that Card creates in this book is very impressive. I am amazed the people can just imagine this kind of stuff.
14. Building High-Performance Teams
This book was a bit different than what I was expecting. It is true to the title, but I guess I expected something more. I was looking for more of a general management book, and this was not it.
15. The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success
Some useful information, but also a lot of pop-psychology.
16. Mars Plus
Having read Pohl's Gateway
17. Beyond Heaven's River
Again, I had high hopes for this one based on Bear's previous books. But a year from now, I won't even remember what this one was about. I also thought the ending was very abrupt and left several storylines hanging.
18. Icehenge
Not a bad book. I found it sort of like Robinson's Mars Trilogy
19. Time Machines: The Greatest Time Travel Stories Ever Written
I don't usually like short stories, but I love books about time travel. This one has some classic stories in there, and some of the all-time great authors. It was a good book to read while traveling, because I could just read a story here and there as I had time.
20. Jubal Sackett
When I was in the 2nd grade, the first "real" book I ever read was Lamour's The First Fast Draw
21. Quantico
I kept having to remind myself that I wasn't reading Tom Clancy. This reads very much like a Tom Clancy book. While Bear is famous for his science fiction, this was definitely a change of pace for him. I enjoyed the book (as much as you can enjoy a book about biological warfare using anthrax).
22. The Vegetable & Herb Expert
I got this book for Christmas. I intend to get back into gardening as quickly as I can (it has been hard due to all the moves) and this was a good book, but written entirely from a UK perspective. Some of the specific advice won't be valid when I move back to the U.S. It was also kind of funny to see things like jalapenos, sweet potatoes, and okra, both of which will grow like weeds in the U.S., referred to as "shop vegetables" (i.e., won't grow well in the U.K.)
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